Sunday, July 18, 2010

Heigh Ho Twitter!

Hullo folks. Yes, this is Mum and Pa... and, sadly, no - we're not not quite restarting the blog yet.

Like we said, we wanted to relaunch when a pre-arranged tipping-point of sorts was reached, and that hasn't yet come. Details will be revealed at that time.

But, for now, we're sort of cheating on our own promise, by starting up on Twitter instead. That's right, we're now on Twitter at, so do Follow us. We'll try to supply updates on how the little fella is doing... he's not so little any more, but in fine fettle. We hope to reconnect with some of the great folks we came to know while the blog was humming along... and even if and when Mum's the Word (or Pa) does resume, the Twitter feed will remain a great means through which to chat, communicate and alert.

So, again, come follow us! And let us follow you, by telling us where to find you.